17.05.2024 od MD medicina 0 Komentarji
6th International Symposium on Biomaterial
The Programme and Organizing Committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Drago Dolinar (Department for Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Center, Ljubljana) and Prof. Dr. Monika Jenko (Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana and MD-RI Institute for Materials Research in Medicine, Ljubljana) invite colleagues to attend and present their research work at the 6th International Symposium on Biomaterials and take this opportunity to report on their research work and ongoing projects at this international gathering of researchers from all over the world.
The International Symposium on Biomaterials series provides a forum for academics, clinicians, researchers, and practicing engineers to meet and exchange innovative ideas and information on all aspects of material-processing technologies. It was initiated in 2016 at the Department for Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, and the Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, with the cooperation of the Dental Department of the Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. The Symposiums were held at the Congress Centre of GH Bernardin, Portorož Slovenia in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 as hybrid scientific events at the Department for Orthopaedic Surgery of University Medical Centre Ljubljana.
The 6th International Symposium on Biomaterials will be organized again on the Slovenian coast at Portorož in the frame of the 29th International Conference on Materials and Technology.
The Medical Chamber of Slovenia endorses 6ISB; attendees will receive Credit points from ZZS.
The Programme and Organizing Committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Drago Dolinar (Department for Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Center, Ljubljana) and Prof. Dr. Monika Jenko (Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana and MD-RI Institute for Materials Research in Medicine, Ljubljana) invite colleagues to attend and present their research work at the 6th International Symposium on Biomaterials and take this opportunity to report on their research work and ongoing projects at this international gathering of researchers from all over the world. The life sciences and engineering researchers, clinicians, and company representatives will provide an effective environment for stimulating exchanges and discussions.
Biomaterial synthesis and characterization
Biomaterials for hard- and soft-tissue regeneration
Metallic, ceramic, and polymeric biomaterials
Cell-material interactions
Composites and nanocomposites
Basic research on advanced biomaterials and technologies in dental medicine prostodontics, periodontics, orthodotics, oral and maxillofacial surgery
Scaffold-based tissue engineering
New technologies in medicine and dental medicine
Additive manufacturing and 3D bio-printing
Clinical applications and commercialization of biomaterials
Surface science in medical applications
The Institute of Metals and Technology, the National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, and the Jožef Stefan Institute, organize the 29th International Conference on Materials and Technologies at Portorož on the Slovenian Adriatic coast. The conference will be held at the Grand Hotel Bernardin Congress Center from 2 to 4 October 2023.
In the frame of the conference, the 6th International Symposium on Biomaterials on 4th October 2024 is organized by Prof. Dr. Drago Dolinar, MD, chair, A/Prof Boštjan Kocjančič MD, co-chair, Prof. Dr.Monika Jenko, Prof.Dr.Maja Ovsenik DMD and Prof.Dr. Čedomir Oblak DMD members of scientific and organizing committees IMT is the publisher of the scientific journal Materials and Technology (IF 0.50), which publishes original and review scientific papers as well as technology news in theoretical and applied natural sciences and technologies from the fields of metallic and inorganic materials, polymers, vacuum technology, nanomaterials, biomaterials, and surface engineering.
You are also kindly invited to publish your article in the scientific journal Materials and Technologies (MIT), in an issue dedicated to Biomaterials.
Invited lecturers 200,00 EURO
PhD Students, Specialists 100,00 EURO
Nurses, Physiotherapists 0,00 EURO
Registration fee includes Program, Abstract booklet, Certificate for the invited lecturers, attendance certificate, and credit points ZZS-MCS
The 6th International Symposium on Biomaterials, 6ISB, will be organized in the beautiful Adriatic–Mediterranean town of Portorož, located on the Slovenian coast in the municipality of the historical Venetian-style town of Piran. The international symposium will be held in the Congress Centre Bernardin, a part of the prestigious St. Bernardin hotel complex, with a private beach between Piran and Portorož. The Congress Centre Bernardin is the first and the largest Congress Centre in Slovenia
Chair: Prof. Dr. Drago Dolinar, MD
Co-chair: Prof. Dr. Monika Jenko
Co-chair: A/Prof. Boštjan Kocjančič, MD
Scientific Committee
Drago Dolinar, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Monika Jenko, MD-RI Institute for Materials Research in Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia, MD Medicina Ljubljana Slovenia
Robert Košak, MD Medicina, Sanatorium, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Čedomir Oblak, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rok Gašperšič, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Boris Gašpirc, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maja Ovsenik, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Oskar Zupanc, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Andreja Marn, clinical dept of nephrology, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Blaž Mavčič, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Urban Brulc, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rihard Trebše, Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra, Ankaran, Slovenia
Matjaž Godec, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Friderika Kresal, Fizioterapevtika, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Veronika Kralj Iglič, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aleš Iglič, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Organizing Committee
Boštjan Kocjančič, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Drago Dolinar, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Monika Jenko, MD-RI Institute for materials research in medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ana Medved, MD Medicine, Sanatorium, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Boštjan Kocjančič, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, MF-UNI-LJ
Urban Brulc, MD Medicina, Sanatorium, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Klemen Avsec, Orthopaedic Surgery Dept, UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rok Ovsenik, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana,
Sonja Žarković Gjurin, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana,
Barbara Šetina Batič, Institute of Metals and Technology Ljubljana, Slovenia
International Scientific Committee
Andrej Trampuž, University Medical Center, Charitee, Berlin, Germany
Anouk Galtayries, Paris, Curie Engineering School, France
Peter Kingshott, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
John T.Grant, Dayton University, Ohio, USA
Ivan Petrov, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Sally McArthur, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Christian Teichert, Mountain University Leoben, Austria
More information: dolinardrago@gmail.com, monica.jenko@gmail.com, +386 31 311076 , kocjancicb@gmail.com, tel.+386 41 941108, www.imt.si and www.md-medicina.si
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